Wednesday, 8 October 2008

365 Ficlets - #152 ~ "Commercial Realities"

The arch of her back was exquisite. The stark lighting and her skills as a model were a part of that mystery, but it struck me in that moment that she was a truly beautiful woman.

I put my mind back into the moment and gently squeezed the shutter release; the strobes popped and started to whine as the re-charge phase kicked in.

“You want me to hold this?”

She was looking back over her shoulder, smiling; I could not remotely understand how she held the pose in the first place, let alone throw me a look without losing her position.

“Yeah, just for one more and then we’ll step it up a notch. These heavy contrast spotlight shots are great for the book, but we’re neither of us going to make any money on them, you know?”

She winked;

“Don’t worry, mate. Knees so wide you’d get a car between. I just need to go smoke a fag first.”

I laid the remote down on the camera and fixed her gaze;

“You know that I’m looking for something less brash than that, yeah?”

Her face softened and the smile came back;

“Don’t worry, I know. Relax.”


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Yet again I forgot to do the Wednesday Poll; apologies to all... Anyway, I offer this as an alternative.

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