Tuesday, 23 December 2008

365 Ficlets - Day #228 ~ "Homeward Bound"

“There it is.”

“What? What are you pointing at?”

I pointed out, through the windscreen, into the darkness while keeping the wheel steady with just the one hand.

“I can’t tell what you are pointing at, babe. I want to just get it, but I’m tired and I’ve been in this car for hours now.”

She offered me her cute “I’ve had it but I still love you” face that we both know always means that I cave in and I did just that.

“You see the red lights going up in a straight line on top of that hill?”

She perked up a little;


“Well that is Winter Hill, there’s a big TV mast there, and it’s the landmark that tells me I’m home. Day or night you can see it from my room, and round where I grew up everyone knows it. it’s one of the things that is ‘home’, you know?”

She smiled, a perkier smile, and seemed to be enjoying being introduced to THE NORTH, and more importantly to my home. There was a brief flicker of incredulity in me, followed swiftly on by joy; I’d never brought a girl back home who seemed like they wanted to go before.

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