Wednesday, 4 February 2009

365 Ficlets - Day #271 ~ "I.M."

Nero27: So, what’s it like up there in Montana at the moment, is it cold?

GoodTimeGal39: Well there’s like 5 feet of snow in my garden, and like everywhere else so yeah, it’s pretty cold. Are you getting snow down there?

Nero27: Well, not really. You know I don’t think it’s ever snowed in Florida, at least not in the Keys. Have you ever been to Florida?

GoodTimeGal39: I did go to Disney World when I was in 9th Grade but that seems so long ago, and anyway I was creeped out by the whole thing. It was like everyone there was happy all the time and there was no space for just being normal. I guess I was a teenager and I was just looking for somethign to not like.

Nero27: Hey, I don’t know. That place always creeped me out, there is something wrong about a place, even a fantasy place, where everyone is happy all of the time.

GoodTimeGal39: My parents were so into the place, and the whole vacation I was just moody and miserable. Thinking back that must have really disappointed them.

Nero27: So will you show me your tits?

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