Monday, 9 February 2009

365 Ficlets - Day #276 ~ "Dinner Date"

Dinner was going well. Paul was starting to hope that he was reading her body language right, the smiles, the inclination of her head towards him, little touches on his hand as they talked about this and that; it felt like they were on the road to at least a first kiss. It occured to him that despite the coaching from Lawrence he had no idea what it was that was swinging this his way, whether it was the fact that he chose decent wine, or that he’d agreed with Lawrence and booked a table at a decent restaurant for a change or if she really liked him. Still, it seemed as though she was listening to what he had to say, that she liked that he was actively listening to her, that she was really looking into his eyes. He let himself believe, and then relaxed and tried to stop thinking about it too hard.

The waiter appeared, or at least there was someone by the table. It took a moment for Paul to realise that it was not a waiter, and that there was a gun pointing at her.


She was limp and the shooter was gone.

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